If you’re an instructional coach, school administrator, peer mentor, or someone who is looking to develop teachers and impact students for equity, then you already know that you need an approach that's structured enough to be focused on elements that will move the needle for kids, but responsive enough to meet adult learners where they are.
Effective coaching is a complex skill set.
But with a replicable structure for effective coaching conversations and some key moves and principles...
...it's totally doable.
That's exactly what you'll learn in this workshop:
A 5-part blueprint for structuring coaching conversations, with tips for implementation, to drive real growth for both teachers and students.
​You'll walk away with:
A structure for coaching conversations that flow naturally from connection to implementation
Tips for how to balance different coaching approaches during each stage of the conversation
Moves for avoiding common challenges in each stage
Strategies for moving teachers from reflection to action in service of student outcomes
Practical language stems to use immediately
Pre-conversation preparation toolkit
Ideas for how to adapt these principles to just about* any coaching model or role, including tips for coaching with time constraints
This workshop enhances the practice of:
Instructional coaches seeking to maximize their impact
Mentor teachers supporting colleague growth
Department chairs balancing leadership and support
Administrators having coaching conversations
Any educational leader committed to teacher and student growth
If you have any of the following concerns, this workshop is for you:
You worry that a structured approach might feel too rigid.
(This framework actually makes your conversations more natural and purposeful.)
You struggle to balance different coaching approaches... directive or facilitative? ... student-centered or teacher-centered?
(This workshop introduces a framework that promotes a both/and approach)
You're too new to coaching and could get overwhelmed.
Or you're too experienced and don't want to waste your time with things you already know.
(Whether you're new to coaching or have loads of experience, these principles can be integrated into your existing practice)
You're not a full-time coach, or a formal coach, or you hold a role beyond coaching.
(These strategies can be adapted by anyone who coaches teachers, regardless of title or formality of role.)
What's Included
Live workshop training
Workshop recording for 30 days
Coaching meeting blueprint overview handout -- revise
Language stems guide
Pre-conversation checklist
Action planning template
Ready to strengthen your coaching conversations?
You spend countless hours preparing to support teachers.
Invest just one hour to learn a blueprint that will make every coaching conversation more impactful.
*If you coach in an environment with a prescribed coaching format, you may still get valuable insights, but it will be difficult to put the meeting structure into action if the coaching model you’re working with is inflexible.
About the Presenter

Hi! I'm Deborah Meister.
I'm a practicing instructional coach and a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation.
I've been a coach for over a decade. And just as I know that great teaching is both art and science that requires ongoing training and skill development, I'm invested in supporting coaches in growing through training and communities of practice.
My career in education has included teaching science, coaching teachers K-12 in just about every content area, senior leadership roles from Director of Curriculum and Instruction to cabinet and Board member, and consulting for clients on topics from culturally responsive teaching, to school leadership, to DEI in schools. I've been an advisor for teacher credentialing and induction programs, and I've shared my work on teacher development and coaching at national conferences.
I hold a BS in Biological Science from Cal Poly SLO, a MEd in Educational Leadership from National University, and along the way completed a stint in doctoral studies in Ecology & Evolution at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where I discovered my love for teaching and developing others towards more equitable outcomes.
My training as an instructional coach has included a multi-year PLC led by Shane Safir, ([co]author of Street Data and The Listening Leader) workshops and conferences by Elena Aguilar (Art of Coaching), leadership work with EL Education, workshops with Zaretta Hammond (Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain), Relay GSE (Instructional Leadership cohort), UnboundEd (Standards Institute and the Equity Influencers Fellowship), and various workshops and conferences over the years . My deeper coaching development and ICF certification came from hundreds of hours of training, assessments, and mentorship through Erickson International's Solutions-Focused Coaching.
But my most important learning has come from working with teams and clients who are doing things we're told are impossible: my students who had previously failed math and science but reversed historical patterns in academics; the schools in the zip codes in Black and brown communities where the national narrative is about deficit, but on the ground, they're breaking records for college acceptance, career preparation, and community leadership; the school leaders and teachers who are tenacious enough to do the work every day, and who never stop learning and striving towards better; and every community of practice with whom I've had nerdy aha moments, impassioned arguments, deep connection around values and our shared mission, technical planning sessions, and mutual accountability for what's best for students.
If you want to learn with me, reserve your spot.
I can't wait to see you there.
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